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ADPD 2022 – Recent Progress
Sinfonia will present a poster at ADPD 2022, Barcelona March 15th-20th. The company will present recent progress made within its FTDRepair project, a novel precision therapy for progranulin related Frontotemporal lobe dementia (FTD/GRN)
New CFO: Kristofer Svensson
Sinfonia welcomes Kristofer Svensson as CFO to the company. ”We are happy to add Kristofer’s expertise to our team on our exciting journey to bring novel biotherapeutics to the market”, says Lars Wahlberg, CEO
New Facilities at Novum, Huddinge
Sinfonia has moved into new facilities at Novum, Huddinge in proximity to academic collaborators and laboratory facilities key to the development of the Company’s gene therapy platform.